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How has the pandemic changed social media: Everything marketers need to know

How has the pandemic changed social media: Everything marketers need to know

Social media is no longer what it used to be before 2020 and the pandemic that came with it. What used to be a place to show off holiday photos and post happy updates became an important medium to connect with friends and family while being isolated. Some people flocked to new platforms like TikTok to keep themselves distracted while others clung to the last bit of normalcy and familiarity with the old platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Twitter was a different story altogether. It became a major platform to send out SOS messages and get help during the first and second waves of the pandemic.

But where do we go from here? Will the social media platforms go back to the way they were before the pandemic, or will they evolve into something else? Will people find new ways to use social media and how will it affect businesses? There are still quite a few unanswered questions and as the pandemic slowly loses its hold, the answers will reveal themselves over time. Till then, here’s what digital marketers need to know about social media marketing and how it has changed during the pandemic.


Isolation has increased time spent on social media

The boredom of quarantine and isolation pushed most people to social media. According to Statista, social media users increased by 11% across the world. This means businesses can’t go without social interactions or virtual offerings anymore. Since more and more potential clients are now on social media, you need to communicate with them on these virtual platforms to keep them engaged with your brand.

The best times may not be the best anymore

Since remote work is the new normal, the posting times on social media have also been impacted. With the typical 9-5 work hours no longer the norm, the social media peak hours have adjusted accordingly. The best times to post on Facebook, now Meta, are between 10-11 AM from Monday to Friday. On Instagram, it’s between 11AM-12PM on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday and at 2PM on Tuesday.

Influencer marketing has been more popular than ever

Influencer marketing touched new heights during the pandemic. Millions of new influencers came forward and with sponsored posts, partnerships, and merch giveaways, many of them turned a hobby into a profession and found new ways to earn.

Video consumption patterns have changed

The pandemic has been favorable for videos. Video uploads increased by almost 80% and quick videos became more popular. That’s why TikTok, the widely popular short-form video platform, saw exponential growth.

The action is moving to new platforms

The old social media platforms, while providing a break from the boredom, weren’t enough to provide a sense of community. People moved to new platforms like Houseparty, Clubhouse, Nextdoor, and others to get a sense of community through live chats, updates from neighbors, chatrooms, and more.

Find out more about social media marketing in the new normal from the experts at Digital Victors. Connect with the team now!

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